
Showing posts from May, 2021

Optimization with Python: all you need for LP-MILP-NLP-MINLP

  Operational planning and long term planning for companies are more complex in recent years. Information change fast, and the decision making is a hard task. Therefore, optimization algorithms are used to find optimal solutions for these problems. Professionals in this field are the most valued ones. In this course you will learn what is necessary to solve problems applying: Linear Programming ( LP ) Mixed-Integer Linear Programming ( MILP ) NonLinear Programming ( NLP ) Mixed-Integer Linear Programming ( MINLP ) Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) Particle Swarm ( PSO ) Constraint Programming ( CP ) Second-Order Cone Programming ( SCOP ) NonConvex Quadratic Programmin ( QP ) The following solvers and frameworks will be explored: Solvers : CPLEX – Gurobi – GLPK – CBC – IPOPT – Couenne – SCIP Frameworks : Pyomo – Or-Tools – PuLP Same Packages and tools : Geneticalgorithm – Pyswarm – Numpy – Pandas – MatplotLib – Spyder – Jupyter Notebook Moreover, you will learning how to apply some line...

Finance Fundamentals for Building an Investment Portfolio

  This is a finance fundamentals course for all aspiring portfolio managers. It is the   foundation course for our entire series of courses . You will learn why a well-constructed diversified portfolio is the best approach to generating consistent returns with the least amount of risk. Using a chronological approach, we will look at how the process of building an investment portfolio has evolved over the years. From the very beginning when the idea first came about, until the latest innovation in building a modern portfolio. Using only conceptual diagrams, this course should cater to all investors from beginners to experts. We will also use simple short videos to explain the concepts behind some proven quantitative strategies used by hedge funds. This will provide a good introduction for you to move on to our quantitative strategy courses. We will also look at  real world performance  of these quantitative strategies in the year 2020 which included a once in a centur...

The Web-development bootcamp 2021 The only course you need to learn web development - HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ES6

  The ins and outs of HTML5, CSS3, and Modern JavaScript for 2021 Create responsive, accessible, and beautiful layouts Continue to learn and grow as a developer, long after the course ends Learn Flexbox and CSS Grid. Create and Agency Website using pure old CSS, even without flexbox and CSS Grid. Create the Pluralsight login page clone using Flexbox. Create a video background landing page using Flexbox. Create a blur effect landing page using CSS Grid. Create a mobile first site using CSS Grid. Update your CSS Skills by doing two challenges from frontend mentor site. Projects using pure CSS, ie no CSS frameworks Learn CSS Animation and create a cool Mario Master the "weird" parts of JavaScript, including closures and this keyword. Learn modern ES6 JavaScript, which includes fat arrow function, rest and spread operator. Create a simple converter app in JavaScript. Build a small Address book in Vanilla JavaScript. Create a simple item list project using Vanil...