Recovering From a Mental Illness & Developing Mental Health

 Licensed experience counselor with vast experience in the mental health field shares his experience of recovering from a mental illness and developing mental health. Recovery even from a major mental illness is possible. Improve your mental health and have a better quality of life.

After getting ill for the first time myself, after a successful recovery and after becoming a licensed experience counselor, I have looked deep into the topic of mental illness and mental health, gotten a lot of knowledge and I want to share that with you. That knowledge comes from my recovery, life experiences, seeing and being with other people, who have mental health issues, from trainings to be a licensed experience counselor and from practical work experience at Tallinn Mental Health Centre, where I have done the following things: Individual and group counselling, shared my experience story, conducted trainings and represented organization in media.

Firstly, I will share my story of recovering from a major mental illness. Secondly, students will learn, what makes the core and what is the road of recovering from a mental illness. Thirdly, to develop mental health even further, the following different important concepts have been brought: Coping with everyday life, expanding comfort-zone, brain training, balance of stress and relaxation, self-analysis and practice, nutrition and physical training, meditation, alcohol, smoking and street drugs, learning skills, method for problem solving, planning the use of money and finally intelligent, emotional and general quotient.

All the topics mentioned previously have been covered by video lectures accompanied with presentation slides. Also, there is an optional task at the end of each lecture.

Who this course is for:

  • People who have a mental illness
  • People who want to develop their mental health
  • People who want to gain more insight what a mental illness is
  • Professionals of mental health.

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Recovering From a #Mental #Illness & Developing Mental #Health
By A Survivor's Inside-Out Perspective
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